Pectoral region and axilla

Nerve and blood supply of left pectoralis major muscle

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #89-3
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Pectoral region and axilla
Nerve and blood supply of left pectoralis major muscle
The pectoralis major (9) has been reflected laterally from its clavicular (2) and sternocostal (3) origins. A narrow band of the pectoral fascia (8) which invested the deep surface of the muscle has been retained.
1 . Sternocleidomastoid muscle
2 . Clavicular part pectoralis major muscle (cut across)
3 . Sternocostal part pectoralis major muscle (cut across)
4 . Upper pointer: Abdominal part pectoralis major muscle (cut across) Lower pointer: Sheath of rectus abdominis muscle
5 . Supraclavicular nerves
6 . Axillary vein
7 . Anterior thoracic nerve (branches of thoracoacromial vessels lie close to nerve)
8 . Remnant of pectoral fascia
9 . Pectoralis major muscle (reflected laterally)
10 . Pectoralis minor muscle
11 . Rib II
12 . Body of sternum
13 . Pectoral fascia (at former position of lateral border of pectoralis major)
14 . Serratus anterior muscle
15 . Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve VI