Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach

Pharyngeal plexus of nerves; ascending pharyngeal artery

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Image #82-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach
Pharyngeal plexus of nerves; ascending pharyngeal artery
Branches of the glossopharyngeal (8) and vagus (9) nerves which enter the pharyngeal plexus are visible in this close-up view of the superior portion of the dissection shown in reel 82-2.
  1. Upper pointer: Cochlea Lower pointer: Tympanic cavity (opened)
  2. Facial nerve (VII)
  3. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  4. Internal carotid artery (cut across)
  5. Upper pointer: Posterior belly of digastric muscle Lower pointer: Styloid process temporal bone
  6. Vagus nerve (X) (retracted Iaterally)
  7. Ascending pharyngeal artery
  8. Pharyngeal branch glossopharyngeal nerve
  9. Pharyngeal branch vagus nerve
  10. Nodose ganglion of vagus nerve (retracted laterally)
  11. Occipital artery (cut across)
  12. External carotid artery
  13. Hypoglossal nerve (XII) (cut across)
  14. Superior cervical ganglion
  15. Superior laryngeal nerve
  16. Carotid body
  17. Superior cardiac branch vagus nerve
  18. Aperture of sphenoid sinus
  19. Internal carotid venous plexus
  20. Nasal part pharynx (cut open)
  21. Upper pointer: Pharyngobasilar fascia Lower pointer: Pharyngeal tonsil (outer surface)
  22. Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
  23. Upper pointer: Longus colli muscle (cut across) Lower pointer: Longus capitis muscle (cut across)
  24. Upper pointer: Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Lower pointer: Buccopharyngeal fascia
  25. Prevertebral fascia
  26. Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
  27. Upper pointer: Superior horn thyroid cartilage Lower pointer: Sympathetic trunk