Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck

Fascial relations at apex of parietal pleura, left lateral view

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Image #76-2
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Fascial relations at apex of parietal pleura, left lateral view
The subclavian vein has been retracted anteriorly and areolar connective tissue has been removed posterior to the vein. The fascia (24) which extends medially from the anterior border of the anterior scalene muscle toward the internal mammary artery (23) covers the cupula of the pleura.
  1. Lateral suspensory ligament of thyroid gland (cut off)
  2. Internal jugular vein
  3. Phrenic nerve (split into several trunks)
  4. Trachea
  5. Anterior branch superior thyroid artery
  6. Principal termination of lymphatic trunks in internal jugular vein
  7. Secondary termination of lymphatic trunks in subclavian vein
  8. Subclavian vein (retracted anteriorly)
  9. Inferior thyroid vein (cut off)
  10. Thymus
  11. Brachiocephalic vein left
  12. Sternohyoid muscle (cut across)
  13. Ascending cervical artery
  14. Superficial cervical artery
  15. Vertebral vein
  16. Middle scalene muscle
  17. Brachial plexus (anterior and posterior divisions of superior trunk)
  18. Thyrocervical trunk
  19. Transverse scapular artery
  20. Subclavian artery
  21. Anterior scalene muscle
  22. Vertebral vein
  23. Internal thoracic (mammary) artery
  24. Fascia covering cupula pleurae
  25. Rib I
  26. Costoclavicular ligament