Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck

Infrahyoid muscles, anterior view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #73-6
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Infrahyoid muscles, anterior view
The middle layer of cervical fascia has been partially removed from the left side to expose the sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles. On the right side the middle layer of cervical fascia (7) has been reflected to expose a thin, intrinsic fascia over the sternohyoid muscle.
  1. Mylohyoid muscle left
  2. Platysma
  3. Submental lymph node
  4. Superficial fascia (external layer)
  5. External jugular vein
  6. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
  7. Superficial fascia (middle layer)
  8. Upper pointer: Intrinsic fascia of sternohyoid muscle Lower pointer: Sternohyoid muscle
  9. Supraclavicular nerves
  10. Clavicle right
  11. Clavicular part pectoralis major muscle
  12. External maxillary artery
  13. Body of mandible
  14. Anterior belly digastric muscle
  15. Submandibular gland
  16. Hyoid bone (covered by dense fibrous tissue)
  17. Internal jugular vein
  18. Descending branch hypoglossal nerve
  19. Sternocleidomastoid muscle (reflected)
  20. Prevertebral fascia
  21. Omohyoid muscle
  22. Sternohyoid muscle
  23. Superficial fascia (middle layer)
  24. Clavicle left
  25. Sternoclavicular ligament
  26. Manubrium of sternum