Dissection of pharynx from left lateral approach

Auditory tube; levator veli palatini muscle, lateral view

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Image #66-4
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of pharynx from left lateral approach
Auditory tube; levator veli palatini muscle, lateral view
The tensor veli palatini muscle (8) has been reflected anteriorly to expose the levator veli palatini muscle (20) as well as the cartilaginous and membranous parts of the auditory tube(5,6). The bursa between the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle and the pterygoid hamulus is visible at 9.
  1. Maxillary nerve (V) (wall of foramen rotundum cut away)
  2. Sphenoid sinus
  3. Sphenopalatine ganglion
  4. Pterygoid fossa
  5. Cartilaginous part auditory tube (lateral plate)
  6. Membranous plate of auditory tube
  7. Descending palatine artery
  8. Tensor veli palatini muscle (reflected anteriorly)
  9. Bursa tensor veli palatini muscle
  10. Styloglossus muscle (cut off)
  11. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  12. Major superficial petrosal nerve
  13. Tympanic cavity
  14. Mandibular nerve (V) and foramen ovale
  15. Otic ganglion
  16. Chorda tympani
  17. Origin of tensor veli palatini muscle
  18. Facial nerve (VII) (facial canal opened)
  19. Alar fascia
  20. Levator veli palatini muscle
  21. Occipital artery
  22. Ascending palatine artery
  23. Styloid process
  24. Stylopharyngeus muscle
  25. Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
  26. Internal carotid artery and hypoglossal nerve (XII)