Dissection of left infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae

Nerve supply to external pterygoid muscle; temporomandibular articulation, anterolateral view

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Image #65-4
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Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of left infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae
Nerve supply to external pterygoid muscle; temporomandibular articulation, anterolateral view
The superior fascicle of the external pterygoid muscle has been divided at its origin and lifted to expose the nerve supply to both parts of the muscle. The temporomandibular joint has been opened and the head of the mandible pulled inferiorly to expose the articular disk. The bony walls of the orbit and middle cranial fossa have been resected. More of the mandible has been removed. The mylohyoid branch (36) of the inferior alveolar nerve is shown in relation to the lingula (17) of the mandible and the sphenomandibular ligament.
  1. Cut edge of bony wall of middle cranial fossa
  2. Periorbita
  3. Dura mater and middle meningeal artery (anterior branch)
  4. External pterygoid muscle (superior fascicle, retracted)
  5. Pterygopalatine fossa
  6. Masseteric nerve
  7. Infraorbital artery and maxillary nerve (in background)
  8. Superior posterior alveolar nerves
  9. Deep anterior temporal artery (cut off)
  10. Branch of buccinator nerve to temporalis muscle
  11. Maxilla
  12. Buccal nerve
  13. Remnant of pterygoid venous plexus
  14. Branches of buccinator nerve to external pterygoid muscle
  15. External pterygoid muscle (inferior fascicle)
  16. Molar glands
  17. Lingula of mandible
  18. Internal pterygoid muscle
  19. Lingual nerve
  20. Buccinator muscle
  21. Temporal fossa
  22. Zygomatic process temporal bone
  23. Superior cavity of temporomandibular joint
  24. Ext acoustic meatus
  25. Articular disc
  26. Inferior cavity of temporomandibular joint and capitulum (condyloid process) of mandible
  27. Auriculotemporal nerve
  28. Styloid process temporal bone (in background)
  29. Facial nerve (VII)
  30. Posterior auricular artery
  31. Deep cervical lymph node (superior)
  32. Neck (condyloid process) of mandible (cut across)
  33. Inferior alveolar artery (cut off)
  34. Posterior facial vein
  35. Sphenomandibular ligament (the two bands were separated by veins and areolar connective tissue)
  36. Mylohyoid nerve (inferior alveolar nerve cut away)
  37. Posterior belly of digastric muscle
  38. Ramus of mandible