Dissection of left temporal region

Tendon of temporal muscle, lateral view

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Image #64-5
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of left temporal region
Tendon of temporal muscle, lateral view
A branch of the masseteric nerve (6) is visible as it passes into the unnamed layer of muscle (4) described previously (64-4). Fatty connective tissue has been removed from the space between this muscle and the tendon of the temporal muscle.
1 . Branch anterior deep temporal nerve supplying superficial parts of temporalis muscle
2 . Nerve and artery in zygomaticofacial foramen
3 . Cut surface of zygomatic bone
4 . Remnant of temporal fascia
5 . Branch masseteric artery
6 . Masseteric nerve and artery
7 . Tendon of masseter muscle
8 . Coronoid process of mandible
9 . Parotid duct (cut off)
10 . Buccal nerve
11 . Temporalis muscle
12 . Tendon of temporalis muscle
13 . Middle temporal artery
14 . Zygomatic arch (partially removed)
15 . Joint capsule of mandible
16 . Superficial temporal artery
17 . Branches of facial nerve
18 . Parotid gland (reflected)
19 . Ramus of mandible