Dissection of left orbit from a lateral approach

General view of orbit, eye and optic pathway to lateral geniculate body

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Image #56-5
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of left orbit from a lateral approach
General view of orbit, eye and optic pathway to lateral geniculate body
The eye has been sectioned in a sagittal plane and the sheath of the optic nerve cut away. The optic nerve (7) and the opthalmic artery(10) are visible passing through the optic canal which has been opened by removal of the anterior clinoid process. The sphenoid sinus extended into this process and has been cut open inferior to the opthalmic artery. The dissection of areas in the lower part of the view is shown in detail elsewhere.
1 . Falx cerebri
2 . Optic chiasm
3 . Sphenoidal border
4 . Olfactory tracts
5 . Upper pointer: Levator palpebrae superioris muscle Lower pointer: Superior rectus muscle
6 . Supraorbital margin (cut across)
7 . Upper pointer: Medial rectus muscle Lower pointer: Optic nerve (II)
8 . Upper pointer: Sclera (internal surface) Lower pointer: Cornea (somewhat distorted)
9 . Crystalline lens
10 . Ophthalmic artery
11 . Upper pointer: Inferior rectus muscle Lower pointer: Inferior oblique muscle (cut off)
12 . Infraorbital nerve
13 . Maxillary sinus (opened)
14 . Internal carotid artery right
15 . Third ventricle (opened)
16 . Inferior colliculus
17 . Lateral geniculate body
18 . Optic tract
19 . Oculomotor nerve (III)
20 . Internal carotid artery left
21 . Semilunar ganglion (trigeminal)
22 . Abducens nerve (VI)
23 . Major superficial petrosal nerve
24 . Sphenoid sinus (opened)
25 . Sphenopalatine ganglion
26 . Upper pointer: Auditory tube (Eustachian) (opened) Lower pointer: Levator veli palatini muscle
27 . Internal maxillary artery (pterygopalatine portion, cut off)
28 . Facial nerve emerging from stylomastoid foramen