
Left temporal bone; close-up view of fundus of internal auditory meatus

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Image #40-1
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Left temporal bone; close-up view of fundus of internal auditory meatus
The crista transversa (11) divides the fundus into a superior and inferior fossa. The apex of the petrous pyramid is to the right of the view.
1 . Superior petrous sulcus
2 . Subarcuate fossa
3 . Superior vestibular area
4 . Inferior vestibular area
5 . Foramen singulare (faintly visible)
6 . External opening of vestibular aqueduct
7 . External opening cochlear canal
8 . Arcuate eminence
9 . Superior pyramidal angle
10 . Area facial nerve
11 . Crista transversa
12 . Cochlear area
13 . Margin of internal acoustic meatus
14 . Posterior pyramidal angle
15 . Inferior pyramidal surface