Serial transverse sections of the brain stem


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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #31-6
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Serial transverse sections of the brain stem
This section, 7 mm. above the previous level, illustrates the anterior limb of the internal capsule as it passes forward between the head of the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus.
  1. Occipital lobe
  2. Cingulate gyrus
  3. Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
  4. Internal capsule (posterior limb)
  5. Anterior horn lateral ventricle
  6. Septum pellucidum (a few fibers of column of fornix are included)
  7. Insula
  8. Claustrum
  9. External capsule
  10. Head of caudate nucleus
  11. Posterior horn lateral ventricle
  12. Corona radiata
  13. Caudate nucleus (tail)
  14. Stria terminalis
  15. Globus pallidus and external medullary lamina of lentiform nucleus
  16. Putamen
  17. Subcallosal gyrus (peduncles corpus callosum)
  18. Internal capsule (anterior limb)
  19. Longitudinal fissure (cerebral)