Serial transverse sections of the brain stem

Medulla oblongata.

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Image #29-5
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Serial transverse sections of the brain stem
Medulla oblongata.
This section is cut through the central portion of the inferior olive 4 mm. above the previous level. Changes in appearance of the more dorsal parts of the medullary tegmentum are associated with the presence of the fourth ventricle, the organization of the restiform body and the termination of the posterior funiculi from the spinal cord. The central gray matter (9) is visible as a fairly wide dark band just beneath the floor of the ventricle. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve lies in this area. The nucleus ambiguus is not clearly visible here but normally lies somewhat ventral and medial to the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve.
1 . Posterior cerebellar incisure
2 . Cuneate nucleus
3 . Restiform body (inferior cerebellar peduncle)
4 . Spinal trigeminal tract (the nucleus of the spinal tract lies just medial to this)
5 . Rootlet of vagus nerve and inferior olivary nucleus
6 . Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
7 . Uncus (hippocampal gyrus)
8 . Choroid plexus fourth ventricle
9 . Central gray matter and tractus solitarius
10 . Nucleus hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
11 . Medial longitudinal fasciculus (the tectospinal tract lies just beneath this bundle)
12 . Medial lemniscus
13 . Pyramid (medulla oblongata)
14 . Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
15 . Facial nerve (VII)
16 . Trigeminal nerve (V)
17 . Pons
18 . Tuber cinereum
19 . Optic chiasm