Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle

Nerve supply to abductor digiti minimi muscle, close-up lateral view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #197-6
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle
Nerve supply to abductor digiti minimi muscle, close-up lateral view
The abductor digiti minimi has been reflected downward to expose the branch of the lateral plantar nerve (12) as it passes within the substance of the muscle.
  1. Dorsal lateral cutaneous nerve
  2. Greater saphenous vein
  3. Peroneus longus muscle (tendon covered by inferior peroneal retinaculum)
  4. Peroneus brevis muscle (tendon covered by inferior peroneal retinaculum)
  5. Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
  6. Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone
  7. Accessory peroneus muscle
  8. Calcaneal branch of peroneal artery
  9. Inferior peroneal retinaculum
  10. Calcaneus (covered by periosteum)
  11. Branch of lateral plantar artery
  12. Branch of lateral plantar nerve (to abductor digiti minimi muscle)
  13. Abductor digiti minimi muscle (reflected downward)