Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle
Nerve supply to abductor digiti minimi muscle, close-up lateral view
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Image #197-6
Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle
Nerve supply to abductor digiti minimi muscle, close-up lateral view
The abductor digiti minimi has been reflected downward to expose the branch of the lateral plantar nerve (12) as it passes within the substance of the muscle.
- Dorsal lateral cutaneous nerve
- Greater saphenous vein
- Peroneus longus muscle (tendon covered by inferior peroneal retinaculum)
- Peroneus brevis muscle (tendon covered by inferior peroneal retinaculum)
- Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
- Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone
- Accessory peroneus muscle
- Calcaneal branch of peroneal artery
- Inferior peroneal retinaculum
- Calcaneus (covered by periosteum)
- Branch of lateral plantar artery
- Branch of lateral plantar nerve (to abductor digiti minimi muscle)
- Abductor digiti minimi muscle (reflected downward)