Dissection of anterior and medial aspects of thigh

Nerve supply to sartorius and pectineus muscles; branches of femoral artery

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Image #186-7
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Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior and medial aspects of thigh
Nerve supply to sartorius and pectineus muscles; branches of femoral artery
The sartorius muscle has been divided close to its origin. The muscle belly has been pulled medially toward the pubis to reveal the course of branches of the femoral nerve into the upper part of the muscle. View 187-4 illustrates the nerves in the lower part of the sartorius. The nerve to the pectineus (7) passes medially behind the femoral vessels to enter the muscle. In this dissection the femoral vein and most of its branches within the femoral triangle have been resected.
  1. Inguinal ligament
  2. External iliac artery
  3. Femoral artery
  4. Femoral vein (cut off)
  5. Peritoneum
  6. Pectineus muscle
  7. Muscular branch of femoral nerve (to Pectineus muscle)
  8. Anterior branch of obturator nerve (descending in front of adductor brevis)
  9. Muscular branch femoral nerve (to sartorius muscle)
  10. Sartorius muscle (reflected; also see no. 15)
  11. Adductor longus muscle
  12. Muscular branch of femoral nerve (to Vastus medialis muscle)
  13. Saphenous nerve
  14. Muscular branch of femoral nerve (to sartorius muscle)
  15. Sartorius muscle (origin)
  16. Iliacus muscle
  17. Tensor fasciae latae muscle
  18. Muscular branch femoral nerve
  19. Upper pointer: Lateral femoral circumflex artery Lower pointer: Transverse branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery
  20. Descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery
  21. Deep femoral artery
  22. Rectus femoris muscle (reflected)
  23. Vastus intermedius muscle