Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach

Interior of left side of pelvic cavity.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #162-3
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach
Interior of left side of pelvic cavity.
The peritoneum has been removed from the posterior and left lateral walls of the pelvic cavity. The fascial investments of extraperitoneal structures have been stripped away. A large ureteric artery (22), which originates from the internal iliac artery, supplies the lower part of the ureter and communicates inferiorly with the ovarian branch of the uterine artery.
  1. Superior hypogastric plexus
  2. Sympathetic trunk (pointer on ganglion)
  3. Sacrum (upper pointer, articular surface; lower pointer, lateral crest)
  4. Coccyx
  5. Rectouterinus muscle (uterosacral ligament)
  6. Rectum (cut across)
  7. Vagina
  8. Uterus
  9. Urinary bladder
  10. Internal iliac lymph node
  11. Ovarian artery
  12. Ureter
  13. Internal iliac artery and vein
  14. Iliac lymph node
  15. External iliac artery and vein
  16. Fimbria of uterine tube
  17. Ovary
  18. Internal iliac lymph node (note associated lymphatic vessels)
  19. External iliac lymph node
  20. Pubic symphysis
  21. Lateral umbilical ligament
  22. Ureteral branch of internal iliac artery
  23. Uterine vein