Kidneys, suprarenal glands and posterior abdominal vessels, nerves and muscles

Left kidney sectioned in situ; left suprarenal gland dissected, close-up view

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Image #151-1
Bassett Image
Diagram Image
Legend Image
Kidneys, suprarenal glands and posterior abdominal vessels, nerves and muscles
Left kidney sectioned in situ; left suprarenal gland dissected, close-up view
A longitudinal cut has been made through the left kidney and the anterior segment of the organ has been removed. Anterior branches of renal vessels have been cut. The renal sinus has been cleared of connective tissue to expose the renal pelvis and vessels. Cortex has been removed from an area of the suprarenal gland to form a window which exposes the medulla of the gland within which lie the principal tributaries to the suprarenal vein.
  1. Inferior phrenic artery
  2. Left gastric artery (cut off)
  3. Celiac trunk (pointer at origin of hepatic and splenic arteries)
  4. Left celiac ganglion
  5. Left suprarenal vein
  6. Superior mesenteric artery
  7. Left suprarenal plexus
  8. Left renal artery (anterior branches cut off near sectioned kidney)
  9. Filament of aorticorenal plexus
  10. Left renal vein
  11. Abdominal aorta
  12. Lumbar lymph nodes
  13. Aortic plexus
  14. Sympathetic trunk
  15. Superior margin of suprarenal gland
  16. Anterior surface of suprarenal gland
  17. Medulla
  18. Diaphragm
  19. Renal surface of suprarenal gland
  20. Cortex of kidney
  21. Base of pyramid
  22. Renal papilla
  23. Pyramid
  24. Calyx major (upper)
  25. Renal column
  26. Calyx major (middle)
  27. Renal pelvis
  28. Calyx major (lower)
  29. Minor calyx
  30. Ureter
  31. Psoas major muscle