Dissection of jejunum, ileum and colon

Interior of cecum; ileocecal valve

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Image #143-4
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of jejunum, ileum and colon
Interior of cecum; ileocecal valve
The cecum and the lower part of the ascending colon have been opened from in front to reveal the ileocecal valve and the ostium of the appendix.
1 . Ascending colon
2 . Frenulum ileocecal valve (note eccentric attachment to ileocecal valve)
3 . Lumen of ascending colon
4 . Mucosal fold
5 . Ileocecal valve
6 . Ileocecal opening
7 . Frenulum ileocecal valve
8 . Opening appendicis vermiformis
9 . Cecum (interior)
10 . Ileocolic artery
11 . Ileum
12 . Vermiform appendix
13 . Sigmoid colon
14 . Pelvic cavity