Volar aspect of right hand

Nerve supply to abductor and flexor digiti quinti muscles

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Image #101-7
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Volar aspect of right hand
Nerve supply to abductor and flexor digiti quinti muscles
The flexor digiti quinti muscle has been cut at its origin from the transverse carpal ligament (11) and reflected medially. In this specimen the flexor (19) and abductor digiti quinti (22) muscles are practically fused. The nerves which enter the muscles arise from the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
1 . Anastomotic branch of median nerve with ulnar nerve
2 . Anterior common digital artery
3 . Tendon of digital sheath (of fifth finger, inflated with air)
4 . Proper palmar digital artery
5 . Sheath of common flexor tendon (inflated with air)
6 . Common palmar digital nerve of median nerve
7 . Median artery (large)
8 . Muscular branch of median nerve (recurrent branch)
9 . Abductor pollicis brevis muscle
10 . Anterior carpal ligament
11 . Transverse carpal ligament
12 . Ulnar artery
13 . Muscular branch ulnar artery (in usual position of deep anterior branch ulnar artery which has an anomalous origin in this specimen; refer to 102-1)
14 . Deep branch of ulnar nerve
15 . Flexor digiti minimi muscle (cut at origin from transverse carpal ligament and reflected medially)
16 . Muscular branch of ulnar nerve (to flexor and abductor digiti minimi muscles)
17 . Common palmar digital nerve of ulnar nerve
18 . Proper palmar digital nerve of ulnar nerve
19 . Flexor digiti minimi muscle (retracted medially)
20 . Muscular branch of ulnar nerve (to flexor digiti minimi muscle)
21 . Opponens digiti minimi muscle
22 . Abductor digiti minimi muscle