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  • Book
    edited by Marc-André Weber.
    Part 1: Role of MRI in imaging the skeletal musculature: Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Skeletal Musculature from a clinical point of view
    Correlation of skeletal muscle anatomical to MRI and US findings
    Imaging the skeletal muscle {u2013} when to use MRI and when to use ultrasound
    Part 2: Modern MRI techniques for assessment of the skeletal musculature: Whole-body MRI for evaluation of the entire skeletal system
    Diffusion-weighted and diffusion-tensor imaging: Applications in skeletal muscles
    Assessment of skeletal muscle perfusion using MRI (DCE, ASL, BOLD)
    Skeletal muscle MR imaging beyond protons
    MR spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging for evaluation of skeletal muscle metabolism: Basics and applications in metabolic myopathies
    Part 3: MRI in the diagnostic work-up of the skeletal musculature: MRI of muscle injuries, such as muscle strains
    MRI in neurogenic myopathies and muscle denervation
    MRI in muscle dystrophies and other myogenic myopathies
    MRI in inflammatory myopathies and autoimmune-mediated myositis
    MRI in muscular channelopathies and myotonias
    MRI in muscle tumours and tumours of the muscle sheaths.
    Digital Access Springer 2014