Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm


  • Lathe, Warren C.
    Summary: Advanced Topics Training for the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser UCSC Genome Browser: Table Browser, Custom Tracks & Gene Sorter.
    Digital Access c2006-
  • Lathe, Warren C.; Mangan, Mary.
    Summary: Overview of the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser.
    Digital Access c2006-
  • Barbara S. Hertzberg, William D. Middleton.
    Summary: This best-selling volume in The Requisites Series provides a comprehensive introduction to timely ultrasound concepts, ensuring quick access to all the essential tools for the effective practice of ultrasonography. Comprehensive yet concise, Ultrasound covers everything from basic principles to advanced state-of-the-art techniques. This title perfectly fulfills the career-long learning, maintenance of competence, reference, and review needs of residents, fellows, and practicing physicians. Covers the spectrum of ultrasound use for general, vascular, obstetric, and gynecologic imaging.

    Practical physics
    Bile ducts
    Lower genitourinary
    General abdomen
    Neck and chest
    The obstetric ultrasound examination : guidelines
    Fetal well-being, amniotic fluid volume, and hydrops
    The first trimester and ectopic pregnancy
    Fetal central nervous system, face, and neck
    Fetal thorax
    Fetal gastrointestinal tract
    Fetal genitourinary tract
    Fetal musculoskeletal system
    Placenta, umbilical cord, and cervix
    Multiple gestations
    Chromosome abnormalities : assessment for aneuploidy
    Pelvis and uterus
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2016
  • Gina Allen, David Wilson ; Salvador Beltran, illustrator.
    Summary: "An ideal "how-to" guide for those who perform musculoskeletal injections, this unique multimedia resource by Drs. Gina M. Allen and David John Wilson demonstrates how to make the most out of the clear visualization provided by ultrasound-guided techniques. High-quality line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images clearly depict patient presentation, relevant anatomy, and sonoanatomy, and each technique is accompanied by a video showing exactly how to perform the procedure"--Publisher's description.

    Section I: Techniques. How to do an interventional procedure
    Local anaesthetics
    Autologous blood injection
    Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and autologous conditioned plasma (ACP)
    Dry needling (peppering, fenestration)
    Saline tripping for tendinopathy (high volume injections or brisement)
    Tendon sheath ganglion aspiration
    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ECSWT)
    Sclerosant therapy
    Section II: Shoulder. Acromioclavicular joint
    Glenohumeral joint including hydrodilatation
    Glenohumeral joint arthrogram
    Sterno-clavicular joint
    Long head of biceps tendon
    Subacromial subdeltoid bursa
    Suprascapular notch injection
    Section III: Elbow. Elbow joint
    Radiocapitellar joint
    Dry needling in lateral epicondylitis
    Olecranon bursa
    Cubital tunnel injection
    Section IV: Wrist. Distal radio ulnar joint
    Radiocarpal joint
    Dequervain's tenosynovitis
    Wrist extensor tendon sheath injections
    Carpal tunnel injection
    Wrist ganglia aspiration
    Section V: Hand. Thumb carpometacarpal joint
    Metacarpophalangeal joint
    Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
    Scaphotrapezium trapezoid joint
    Flexor tendon sheath injections
    Trigger finger release
    Section VI: Hip & groin. Hip joint AP approach
    Hip joint lateral approach
    Greater trochanter
    Iliopsoas bursa
    Iliotibial tract
    Symphysis pubis
    Adductor tendons
    Section VII: Knee. Knee joint
    Patella tendon
    Proximal tibio-fibular joint
    Pes anserine complex (bursitis)
    Iliotibial tract
    Popliteal cyst (baker's cyst)
    Section VIII: Ankle. Ankle joint
    Subtalar joint
    Antero-lateral gutter
    High volume injections for Achilles tendinopathy (saline stripping)
    Peroneal tendon sheath injections
    Tibialis posterior tendon sheath injections
    Sinus tarsi
    Section IX: Foot. Metatarsophalangeal joint
    Talo-navicular joint
    Plantar fasciitis
    Mortons neuroma.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2018

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