Serial transverse sections of the brain stem


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Image #31-3
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Serial transverse sections of the brain stem
A section 4 mm. in thickness has been removed. The tegmental fields (of Forel) are visible at this level.
1 . Caudate nucleus (tail)
2 . Circular sulcus
3 . Third ventricle
4 . Occipital part internal capsule (posterior limb)
5 . External medullary lamina (thalamus)
6 . Thalamic fasciculus (H1 field of Forel)
7 . Lenticular fasciculus (H2 field of Forel)
8 . Claustrum
9 . External capsule
10 . Lentiform nucleus and posterior part of anterior commissure (lower pointer)
11 . Hypothalamic nucleus
12 . Anterior perforated substance and striate arteries
13 . Optic chiasm
14 . Corpus callosum
15 . Lateral ventricle
16 . Fornix (body)
17 . Choroid plexus third ventricle and taenia thalami (lower pointer)
18 . Lateral nucleus of thalamus
19 . Internal medullary lamina of thalamus
20 . Medial nucleus of thalamus
21 . Tegmental field (H field of Forel)
22 . Mamillary body
23 . Tuber cinereum
24 . Amygdaloid nucleus
25 . Infundibulum (cut across)
26 . Internal carotid artery