Dissection of anterior and medial aspects of thigh

Right tensor fasciae latae muscle, anterior view

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Image #185-7
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of anterior and medial aspects of thigh
Right tensor fasciae latae muscle, anterior view
The tensor fasciae latae (6) has been divested of its aponeurotic covering to expose its insertion into the iliotibial tract (9).
1 . Aponeurosis of External oblique muscle
2 . Anterior superior iliac spine
3 . Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
4 . Femoral nerve
5 . Aponeurosis between tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus
6 . Tensor fasciae latae muscle
7 . Sartorius muscle
8 . Rectus femoris muscle
9 . Iliotibial tract
10 . Vastus lateralis muscle
11 . Rectus abdominis muscle
12 . Inguinal ligament
13 . Pectineus muscle
14 . Femoral artery
15 . Adductor longus muscle