Dissection of male pelvis from a lateral approach

Prostatic utricle and ejaculatory duct in relation to seminal colliculus, left anterolateral view

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Image #171-5
Bassett ImageDiagram Image
Legend Image
Dissection of male pelvis from a lateral approach
Prostatic utricle and ejaculatory duct in relation to seminal colliculus, left anterolateral view
The prostate has been sectioned in a sagittal plane, the cut passing slightly to the left of the midline posterior to the ejaculatory duct. The prostatic utricle (8) has been opened to demonstrate its size and relations to the seminal colliculus (15) onto the summit of which it opens, and to the ejaculatory duct (12) which courses parallel and slightly lateral to it to open on the side of the colliculus.
1 . Diverticulum of ductus deferens
2 . Ampulla of ductus deferens (opened)
3 . Ductus deferens right
4 . Seminal vesicle
5 . Middle lobe of prostate (sectioned in midline)
6 . Vesical sphincter muscle
7 . Internal urethral opening
8 . Prostatic utricle (opened)
9 . Prostatic sinus
10 . Seminal vesicle (opened)
11 . Excretory duct
12 . Ejaculatory duct
13 . Glandular substance of prostate (sectioned near median plane)
14 . Opening of ejaculatory duct at seminal colliculus
15 . Seminal colliculus
16 . Urethral crest